Airtable Certifications

Validate your knowledge and expertise, advance your career, and achieve an Airtable certification. From exam registration, to prerequisite course completion, this page has everything you need ahead of Airtable certification.

Prepare for the Certification

Before your register for your exam, review the prerequisite educational content.

Introduction to Airtable

Learn to navigate Airtable, understand user personas, translate workflows, explore app infrastructure, and navigate interfaces through this learning path.

Builder Essentials

Learn the essentials of building apps in Airtable by mapping workflows, building custom apps, and using automation and AI features to streamline business processes.

Register For Your Exam

Ready to achieve your certification? Register for your exam here.

Certification: Airtable Builder

Validate your knowledge of key concepts to certify as an Airtable Builder.


Frequently Asked Questions

+ Why get Airtable certified?

Getting Airtable certified demonstrates your proficiency in various skill areas & domains of Airtable—like app building. It can enhance your credibility as an Airtable builder and subject-matter expert and open up new opportunities in project management and data organization roles.

+ Is there a registration fee for Airtable certifications?

Today, Airtable does not charge a fee for our certifications. As long as you are part of an organization with access to Airtable Academy, registering for, and taking, a certification requires no additional cost.

+ How are Airtable certifications awarded?

Airtable certifications are awarded upon successful completion of a certification exam. Each exam tests your knowledge and skills in a particular area/domain (like app building and implementation) of Airtable effectively.

+ What is the difference between a course completion and an Airtable certification?

A course completion certificate is awarded when you complete a specific course, showing that you have learned the material covered in that course. An Airtable certification, on the other hand, demonstrates that you have mastered the use of Airtable at a higher level by requiring exam completion.

+ Do Airtable certifications expire?

After you pass an Airtable certification exam, your certification is good for 2 years.

+ Do I need to complete the trainings in order to take a certification exam

While it's not mandatory to complete the trainings before taking a certification exam, it's highly recommended. The trainings are designed to prepare you for the exam and to help you get the most out of Airtable.

+ How do I register for an Airtable certification?

You can register for an Airtable certification directly in Airtable Academy. Click the certification link(s) above to find more information on the registration process and any prerequisites on each certification.

+ How long are certification exams?

The length of certification exams can vary. It's best to check the specific details for the certification on the registration page, but each exam is usually ~50-75 questions.

+ When will I know my exam results?

Typically, you'll see your exam results immediately after completing the exam.

+ What happens if I pass an exam?

If you pass an exam, you'll be awarded the corresponding Airtable certification. This will be a testament to your proficiency in using Airtable and can be added to your resume or LinkedIn profile.

+ What if I don't pass the certification exam?

If you don't pass, you'll need to re-enroll in the certification exam to complete another attempt. It's also recommended to revisit the the areas from the prerequisite learning paths that you struggled with before retaking the exam.

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Join the Airtable Community

Are you already certified? Or are you on your path towards certified status? Either way, head over to the Airtable Community to connect with other certified builders, ask any lingering questions ahead of your exam, or support the learning journey of others.

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