User Guide: Customize Airtable For Your Needs

User Guide: Customize Airtable For Your Needs

Learn how to customize and automate your workflow in Airtable using automations, computed fields, formulas, and extensions.

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About this user guide

Looking for ways to optimize your workflow? Start by asking: “What can I automate?” Automating manual, repetitive work will save you and your team time—so you can focus on the bigger picture. In Airtable, you can use three different techniques to automate your work:

  • You can use the automations in Airtable to create powerful, logic-based workflows, all built on top of the data in your base. 
  • Try computed fields to automatically track when a record was created or updated. 
  • Take advantage of formulas in Airtable to build custom calculated outputs based on other fields in your table.

Curriculum5 min

  • Save Time with Automations
  • Learn When (and How) to Use Computed Fields
  • Write Your First Formula
  • Explore What’s Possible with Formulas

About this user guide

Looking for ways to optimize your workflow? Start by asking: “What can I automate?” Automating manual, repetitive work will save you and your team time—so you can focus on the bigger picture. In Airtable, you can use three different techniques to automate your work:

  • You can use the automations in Airtable to create powerful, logic-based workflows, all built on top of the data in your base. 
  • Try computed fields to automatically track when a record was created or updated. 
  • Take advantage of formulas in Airtable to build custom calculated outputs based on other fields in your table.

Curriculum5 min

  • Save Time with Automations
  • Learn When (and How) to Use Computed Fields
  • Write Your First Formula
  • Explore What’s Possible with Formulas