Welcome to Airtable Academy!

Helping enterprise customers accelerate their Airtable learning journey with a collection of learning paths, courses, user guides, product quick starts, and more.
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[separator] Role-Based Learning Paths
Airtable Academy training designed with you in mind.
Introduction to Airtable
Learn to navigate Airtable, understand user personas, translate workflows, explore app infrastructure, and navigate interfaces through this online course.
5 Courses
Beginner Learning Paths Administrator Builder
Builder Essentials
Learn the essentials of building apps in Airtable by mapping workflows, building custom apps, and using automation and AI features to streamline business processes.
4 Courses
Intermediate Learning Paths Builder
Admin Essentials
This learning path (and certification) is coming soon!
0 Courses
Intermediate Learning Paths Administrator Coming Soon
[separator] Featured Courses
A collection of our newest releases and recommended courses.
Navigating Airtable
Learn to navigate Airtable, set up the home screen, access resources and support, and manage notification and language preferences.
12 min
Beginner Courses Administrator End-User Builder
Mapping Your Workflow
Learn to translate business processes into a functional Airtable base, understand relational databases, identify swimlanes, design an information schema, and map workflows effectively for efficient processes.
27 min
Intermediate Courses Builder
Personas and Permissions
Learn about user personas and permission levels in Airtable, and understand how they map to different responsibilities and product interactions.
17 min
Beginner Courses Administrator End-User Builder
Interface Designer Deep-Dive
A comprehensive course guiding you through every aspect of Airtable's Interface Designer to effectively customize your interface for workflow needs.
19 min
Intermediate Courses Builder
[separator] Airtable Quick Start
Get started in minutes.
Quick Start: User Management for Admins
A quick start overview on user management features and functions within Airtable's admin panel.
36 min
Beginner Administrator Quick Starts
Quick Start: SSO and SCIM from Admins
A quick start overview for admins on provisioning access and authenticating users through SSO and SCIM.
16 min
Intermediate Administrator Quick Starts
Quick Start: Airtable AI for Builders
A quick start overview on popular use-cases for Airtable's AI functionality to help accelerate your own implementation and value realization.
26 min
Intermediate Quick Starts Builder
[separator] User Guides
Comprehensive guides for building and enhancing your workflows.
User Guide: Build Your Workflow
Learn to build and optimize workflows, design databases, link records, and import data in Airtable for efficient workflow management.
8 min
Beginner User Guides Builder
User Guide: Collaborate With Your Team
Learn how to plan and execute a successful Airtable rollout, optimize base setup, design forms, and manage collaboration for team success.
5 min
Beginner Administrator User Guides Builder
User Guide: Scale Your Work
Learn to leverage Airtable sync, integrations, verified data, custom scripting, and API to connect, sync, validate, and customize workflows for efficient and collaborative work.
5 min
Intermediate User Guides Builder
User Guide: Customize Airtable For Your Needs
Learn how to customize and automate your workflow in Airtable using automations, computed fields, formulas, and extensions.
5 min
Intermediate User Guides Builder
User Guide: Airtable AI
Learn how to use Airtable AI to summarize, translate, generate content, categorize, and route data, empowering users to enhance workflows and collaborate effectively.
5 min
Intermediate User Guides Builder
[separator] On-Demand Webinars
Tune into pre-recorded webinars with Airtable product experts.
Webinar: Airtable New Feature Spotlight
Updated for Q1'24, learn about what's possible with the latest Airtable features, updates, and product launches in this on-demand webinar.
32 min
Intermediate Administrator End-User Builder Webinar: On-Demand
Live Webinar: App Building with Interfaces
Interfaces empower you to create custom views, embed powerful AI capabilities, and keep teams connected. Join this live webinar for an introduction to building AI-powered apps with Airtable Interfaces.
60 min
Beginner Webinars: Live Builder
Live Webinar: Advanced App Building with Interfaces
Take your app-building skills in Airtable to the next level with this build-along style webinar to learn more advanced interface tips and get your questions answered by product experts in real-time.
60 min
Advanced Webinars: Live Builder
Webinar: Manage Projects Your Way with Airtable
Learn how to use Airtable for project management, task tracking, resource allocation, and sprint planning in this informative, on-demand webinar.
19 min
Beginner End-User Builder Webinar: On-Demand